Blog Tutorial for Newbie
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Install icon smile (emoticon) in Blogger

Blogger user know ths smile icon is used in many wordpress user or other blog user, where there is any code text icon and then the smile will change the code with a visual icon smile. Unfortunately for the blogger does not support this icon smile. Do not lose heart. Many roads lead to Rome :D, all have the solution.

Try to see the example in this blog, there is every writing the text refers to the code would smile changed visually. For example, I have to use them smile icon :) and laugh :D and embarrassed when im shy :$ smile icon will appear on all the text in the blog at any location (NB: not in the shoutbox, links and images), the most profitable this icon smile emoticon can provide information in visitor commenting :o .

Follow the steps :

1. Login to your blogger dashboard, go to the menu template > edit HTML > Expand Widget Templates and find this code :

2. Place the javascript code below, right under code ]]></b:skin>

<script src=' ' type='text/javascript'/>

3. Save and see the result :)

Standard code smile that can be used

:) or :-)
:D or :-D
:$ or :-$
:( or :-(
:p or :-p
;) or ;-)
:k or :-k
:@ or :-@
:# or :-#
:x or :-x
:o or :-o

Source :

Thank you.

This is what I'm looking for. :)

PunYa gw kOk gagal yah Bro?? :'(

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