Blog Tutorial for Newbie
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How to install bookmark button in each Post

In this issue we use the services widget to bookmark it. The steps include bookmarks code is :
  1. Browse and registration first (if you not registered)
  2. Choose "Get the code for your widget!"
  3. Setting options :
  4. Which kind of widget? : --> Bookmarking Widget
    Which widget? : --> (Select the appropriate button taste)
    Where? Where do you want to put the widget? : --> On a Blog
    Blogging Platform : --> Blogger
  5. Choose "Get Your Free Button"
  6. Choose "Blog Button (New or Older Blogger)"
Then how to install the bookmark code on a blog is :
  1. Login to and click the Template menu -> Edit Html -> Templates ExPand Widget
  2. Find the code below : (Before you edit the code should do the Template Backup first)
  3. <b:if cond='data:post.showBacklinks'> <a class='comment-link' expr:href='data:post.url + "#links"'><data:top.backlinkLabel/></a> </b:if> </b:if></span></p>

    or can also under this code :

    <!-- quickedit pencil --> <b:include data='post' name='postQuickEdit'/> </span></p>

  4. Then copy-paste the code below the bookmarks code above. (Do not forget to save.) Okay :D

Note :
Some of the template is slightly different, so should not be placed on the code that I mentioned above. You can try to paste the code that I mention the location, please try in several different locations, find the location if appropriate.

Source :

Happy Blogging :)
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